Thursday, April 1, 2021

Xianghong tool drawing


  1. Xianghong, to me it looks like your tool may have been your hand. I can see many different marks here that would suggest as much (four-finger strokes, single finger tip prints, palm-like shapes, etc.). While I think the overall busyness is strong, the composition seems too heavy in the middle and on the right to me. Along the left edge and upper left corner, you have those nice delicate marks in addition to the slightly darker ones and the watery wash. On the right the scale of your marks becomes more uniformly large, so it's less interesting to look at. Keep in mind that when working with ink it's important to step back frequently and ask yourself if you need to keep going. Overworking is the number one danger with ink, and oftentimes the simplest compositions turn out to be the strongest.

  2. I like the two large black shapes in the middle, they remind me of alien ships. I enjoy the variety of sizes of dots, but I wish it had been a little less busy. The bottom part also seems a little empty to me, it could use a dark line or something.
