Thursday, April 15, 2021

Azrael sound


  1. Azrael, Because of the darkness of the image and the large shapes that fill up most of the picture rectangle, my guess is that this would be some kind of loud booming sound -- like thunder rumbling in a thunder storm. While I like the complexity of the ink layers, the composition feels somewhat arbitrary to me. My favorite part is the upper right corner where you have that really interesting texture that looks like a flock of birds in the sky. I wish that continued over on the left side of the piece. Also, even if the sound is a loud booming sound, it might be more interesting to have some white ink interrupting the black in some areas. Anything you can do to make the composition feel less random would be great.

  2. I like the fuzziness of the edges, it makes me think of a sort of crackling sound. I wish there was more variety to the shades of gray, it feels like they're either very dark or very light, which seems at odds with the soft edges.
