Thursday, April 1, 2021

Byrd tool drawing


  1. Byrd, the density and complexity make this drawing very compelling. I especially like the top half, where it looks like underwater life being swept left and right. Judging by the occasional rings, I'm guess whatever you used was hard and cylindrical -- a canister or small bottle, perhaps. If so, I think it's good that the ring elements are minimal, otherwise it would be too obvious. The only thing that bothers me compositionally is the large black horizontal swipe on the bottom -- to me this interrupts the flow of the whole a bit. Maybe it would look better if you cropped that out?

  2. ooo this is very different from the rest of our classmates since you added lots of ink and didn't leave too much white paper. Because of that, it makes me think the tool you used is overwhelming, so maybe a somewhat large or chaotic object?

    I think the top part of the piece looks a little strange with the rest- it feels a little empty/not busy enough.
    I covered the top 2-3 inches or so, and I think it looks nicer as it keeps my eye moving within the page, instead of leaving it with that lighter area.
