Thursday, April 29, 2021

Kaayla final

1 comment:

  1. Kaayla, this was a wonderfully ambitious piece, and I think it came out very well. I love the area on the left; all those entangled lines are really fun to look at, and they also very much evoke a lively relationship between four people. While I like the idea of the rift in the middle, I agree with the comments suggesting it might look more "rough" -- i.e., torn edges, etc. And while I perfectly well understand the logic of the right side, I think it could have been stronger visually. Maybe it's just a matter of centering that first part - I wonder if there's a way to fix that. Next time you do something like this (and I hope you'll do it again!), be sure to get the size of the pillow even on both sides -- not easy, I understand, but so important to the final piece. Overall, I'm delighted that you were able to pull this off. I know how much work went into this!
