Thursday, April 1, 2021

Tina tool drawing


  1. Tina, I really like the variety of marks and textures in this drawing. The "floral" bursts with the lighter ink are really interesting, and I love the smaller, darker shapes that wind around the main one. To me, the drawing suggests that you used some kind of sponge or paper towel -- something very porous and crumply. I'm not sure I like your use of the negative space here, though. The composition feels a little arbitrary. It might help matters to extend some of the lighter shapes/lines off the left edge -- that might balance things out a bit, since you can't add negative space.

  2. I really enjoy the pitter patter shape/texture you made, but I'm not sure if it fits with the rest of the piece. Maybe if you hadn't done the large black swooping motion? Or maybe did the large black swooping motion in its own work, because its very interesting and I think it would do well by itself.

  3. I'm curious about what material you used here, especially with the lighter blotches. I think you have an interesting variety of shapes. However, they don't seem very cohesive to me, more like a display of a variety of marks than one composition. Maybe it would read as more unified if the marks repeated in different areas instead of mostly having their specific space.

    1. This is Byrd, by the way, my profile seems to have lost my name and I can't get it to save it back again.

  4. I'm also really curious what was used here. But I think the composition is more balanced than some of your other works, which I think is nice. I definitely see what Byrd is saying because it's very simplistic and there's a lot of negative space, but something about the way the lines cross and the use of darker lines on the left vs. light lines on the right makes me think of a dance.
