Thursday, April 29, 2021

Michelle final

1 comment:

  1. Michele, overall, I like the way this came out. The centralized composition makes a lot of sense in this case, and the way you made that central element gives it an ominous feel. The subtle treatment of the background and the tiny filaments to the left and right form a nice counterpoint to the action in the middle. That said, it might have been stronger visually if you'd let some of the red and violet wash extend outward toward the edges some. I'm thinking of something like what Pan did, where the edges of their piece were just as active and interesting to look at as the center. If you added more color to the grey areas, you could then go in and make that center area darker. This would seem to make sense with the strong content of the movie you chose. While your piece as it is looks ominous, the movie sounds downright violent! One final thought: maybe going in with some light pen work (red? violet? black?) would help make both the central form and the outer regions more complex visually -- and indeed stronger emotionally.
