Thursday, April 1, 2021

Grace tool drawing


  1. Grace, this is such a lyrical and elegant drawing. The strokes seem to be swaying gently, as if underwater. The contrast between light and dark is strong, too. Based on the nature of the stroke, I'm guessing you used something soft and malleable, like a sponge or a hand towel. While I like the composition very much, I think the bottom edge could use one more light stroke to give it a little more weight. The left side of that edge is so heavy, so it seems there should be something more on the right (not solid black -- just a lighter something).

  2. The motion you used with the ink reminds me of sea weed superseded in ocean water. The use of different values creates a nice atmospheric perspective. Your marks go across the whole page, so I don't think it needs anything added to it. You could possibly expand on the splatters/speckles you have in some places.

  3. I really like the motion and layering of this. You've really played to the strengths of the medium. The lighter elements and contrast of the huge blobs and small specks make it look enormous. I'm curious what a light gray wash could do to expand it even more.

  4. I agree with everything that's been said, I thought of seaweed at first. I definitely get a sense of biology but also buoyancy and air.
