Thursday, April 1, 2021

Celia tool drawing


  1. Celia, there are so many wonderful marks and textures in this drawing, and I like the density of the layering. I also like the sense of space you get from the lighter marks underneath the darker ones. It looks like you might have used something like a plastic bag to make this piece -- something with lots of folds and wrinkles. While I like the overall busyness of this piece, I think the transition from dark to light could be smoother. Maybe adding some more light shapes and textures on the right side would make things feel more seamless and better balanced.

  2. This has a great sense of energy in its texture and a good range of values. It reminds me of a close-up image of the moon or something vast and scientific like that. My only complaint is that most of the shapes are rounded but the dark patches on the left all line up, it breaks the illusion a little bit.
