Thursday, April 15, 2021

Sidney sound


  1. Sidney, this is a really beautiful drawing. I love the way it looks like light is emanating through a dark field at the top, causing the crystalline shapes below to reflect and refract. As far as your sound goes, I would guess it's something repetitive and percussive -- something like ice cubes clinking inside a pitcher of water when it's being stirred. There's a sharpness to the sound, but it's not too loud. And perhaps it has something to do with rising or falling? The composition would seem to suggest as much. My only advice would be to add more color along the bottom edge. It gets a little less complex down there -- a little washed out.

  2. This is really lovely, it has an immediate sense of light and depth. The overlapping lighter shapes make it seem sort of crystalline. I'm not sure what the sound is, but it definitely has a lightness to it.
