Thursday, April 29, 2021

Sidney final

1 comment:

  1. Sidney, the composition of this piece has a wonderful way of drawing the viewer in; you can't look at it without being swept into its forward momentum. The color here is very sophisticated -- the blue area in particular, and the rich grey at the top. That said, I find myself wishing that there were some pockets of really saturated colors in addition to the more muted ones. I wonder what it would look like if you went over some (or all?) of the yellow elements with hints of a darker, more opaque yellow, and maybe parts of the blue could also be more opaque. This would leave you with the wonderful quality of the watery medium but you'd also have more of a visual punch. Compositionally, the only thing that bothers me is the large white swirl in the lower right. While I like the swirl itself, the scale seems awkward there; it's too big for that space, and it feels like it should be moved over to the right a bit. I bet if you went over it with a blue wash it would make the awkwardness less apparent. And then maybe you could go over part of it with an additional swirl to break up the scale. I would also consider placing one more yellow element at the bottom to the right or left of the one in the center; that centered one makes that area a little static.
