Thursday, April 29, 2021

Clara final

1 comment:

  1. Clara, what I like most about this piece is its wonderfully non-literal take on A Clockwork Orange. It would have been easy to draw shapes representing the different characters, but here you've gone right for the larger issues -- indeed the largest issues that afflict humanity! I agree with all the comments about the strength of those areas where the yellow and purple mix. Those areas are so beautiful, and I think they best capture the complexity of the issues. While I love the choice of hues, I think a darker violet/purple might have been more effective. This purple feels a bit benign -- not at all dark and menacing. Plus, a darker purple would have made the yellow even yellower by way of contrast. I also find the composition really curious. I wonder if simplifying the configuration might have been stronger. I'm really drawn to the large diagonal stroke that extends from top to bottom; maybe eliminating the motif in the upper right might make the whole more powerful. I think this is a lesson in never underestimating the power of simplicity!
