Thursday, April 15, 2021

Clara sound


  1. Clara, I'm going to guess this is some kind of vibratory sound. The diagonal division in the middle between orange and blue and the repetition of the parallel strips suggests oscillation to me -- or at least some kind of two-ness. My favorite part is in the middle where the colors bleed into each other, making for a rich in-between color you can't exactly name. The little droplets of color that cover the whole add a nice, soft additional rhythm. The only thing that bothers me is the way the blue doesn't extend down further into the lower right corner and the orange into the upper left. I could be wrong, but I think giving those two areas on more layer would strengthen the composition, which is interesting, but which right now looks a little unanchored.

  2. My first thought of this sound was of a marimba or something with equally hard but resonant sounds. The colors and composition are really nice. My only problem is that the lighter areas look to me very obviously like tape lines, which is a little distracting.

  3. I might have taken this one a bit more literal than I should have because my immediate thought was "wind chimes" or "Piano keys". But ignoring the literal elements I interpreted I think the use of gradual color is both warm and cool like a Spring day and very calming. I also love the drip you got with the ink, it's something I tried to do in my Final project but you did a much better job.
