Thursday, April 15, 2021

Madi sound


  1. Madi, I really like the color scheme in this piece, and the way there are little pockets of light here and there (upper right, lower right, etc.) -- these areas are so luminous in the context of the darker atmosphere. My favorite part is the upper right quadrant -- that area is so curious. As far as sound goes, I'm guessing it's something that has lots of different sounds at once -- both hard and soft, sharp and diffuse -- and that wavers a little, too, like an echo. It could easily be what New York sounds like at night -- very cacophonous, but in an exciting way!

  2. The colors and shapes of this are really bold. I like that you haven't shied away from making it look like something drawn from ink. The background purple color is a bit dominating, but the yellow you have in the top right corner is really nice.
