Thursday, April 15, 2021

Kaayla sound


  1. Kayla, I love the sense of depth in this drawing, and the vibrancy of the color is quite beautiful. Just because of the spheres I'm thinking of the sound of rain or snow falling, but I think it's probably something different. I sort of get the feeling of wind chimes on a very windy day -- a succession of bell-like sounds that are quite loud. My favorite part of the drawing is the middle section, where all the colors get kind of muted out. That area is so rich, and the muted quality makes the bright areas around the edges look even brighter. Nice job with the spraying!

  2. I like how you've managed to integrate the black and colored parts of the drawing. It looks to me like a shattering or tinkling sound. I think it looks a little busy (though that depends on what the sound is), especially because the lighter areas are equally dense throughout.

  3. I really think this piece captured what Taney has been talking about this semester with color blending and making "unnamable" colors. The vibrancy of the simple colors make this feel really childlike, innocent, and nostalgic while the use of darker tones and white bubbles definitely creates a feeling of depth and a sound (for me it was bubbles but I can see how it would be chimes)
