Thursday, April 29, 2021

Celia final


  1. Celia, I agree with all the comments about what an exuberant and playful piece this is. It is indeed very well suited to the joyful quality of the music. While I like just about everything in this piece, I do wish the large orange flower shape on the right weren't vertically centered in the paper. In contrast to the rhythmic placement of the blue orbs, this shape seems more static and has the effect of interrupting the eye's movement across the piece. While I like the shape and movement of the rainbow motif, I might have preferred if the bands were different colors. Rainbows are always a little tricky in visual art -- they can come off as trite or cliched. All your other elements are more original shapes and for this reason are stronger. Finally, I think the upper right corner could use one more subtle element behind those three bird-like shapes; that area seems less busy than all the rest, so the eye slows down there too. I'm so glad you were able to find a medium that was okay with your injury; this piece was a great way to end the semester.

    1. Thank you so much for all the feedback and support this year! I learn so much in this class.

  2. Celia I really liked your final. Personally I have a really hard time critiquing it because I'm worried on the pursuit of impossible perfection the piece would just go through a constant cycle of change. I think it works as a blend between playful and professional. And i like that no one part demands my attention, my eye hops to the flower on the right hand side at first but then after that my eyes kinda bounce around rather than being guided but I think that works better for this piece.
