Thursday, April 29, 2021

Tina final


  1. Tina, overall, I think this is a wonderful drawing. Your handling of the ink here is so deft, and I love the seamless transitions between the colors. I know you got a lot of feedback on the bricks during the critique, but one thing that wasn't mentioned was scale. I think the problem with the bricks is that they're too big for this composition. If you'd had a pattern of much smaller bricks, the pattern would read from a distance as just a color but would reveal itself up when you look at the piece from up close. This would make the whole more consistent. And while I like what you did with the black elements -- these do much to suggest a progressing narrative -- I don't understand the angular negative shapes just above the middle where it looks like you sprayed around something rectangular. These shapes feel abrupt and inconsistent with the rest of the piece. I wonder if there's any way to go in and soften those elements (spraying a light coat of black there might do the trick). Overall, I love the fact that you managed to communicate the gist of the story entirely without drawing any pigs. This is hard to do and requires some serious sophistication. Good for you! I hope you'll put the pigs in your title; I think people will have fun trying to figure out the narrative based on that clue.

  2. Replies
    1. Sorry for that first "testing" had connection issues to the blog. I really like the colors used in this and the soft underlying scratch marks and other compositional elements that prevent it from being too flat. It's almost hard to believe this was done using ink and not digital.
