Thursday, April 1, 2021

Ian tool drawing


  1. Ian, I really like this drawing. The shape formed by the layers of strokes is so curious, and I love the way it sits in the negative space. The strokes themselves are so complex -- you have a nice contrast going between the lighter and darker ones. Based on the nature of the stroke, I'm guessing your tool was something bristly, like a toothbrush or hairbrush. Or...a comb of sorts? In any case, you did a great job with refraining from overworking. I encourage you to keep making ink drawings, since you've said you're liking it, and I can see so much potential with this.

  2. I love the texture you've created with this, and the shape is very striking. My brain immediately decided it was a person's hair and left eyebrow, though I doubt that was intentional. The way you managed to get so much lightness with the dry texture is impressive.

  3. I really enjoy this composition a lot. The few strokes you got there are interesting to look at. I like that it remains in the center; I actually think its better that you didn't extend any lines outside the paper. I cannot find anything I don't like.

  4. I'm really glad people liked it, I was actually really happy with this piece but sad we weren't on my group B for critiques.
