Thursday, April 1, 2021

Teo tool drawing


  1. Teo, the sense of space you got here is impressive, and I like the way the dark marks seem to be coming forward from the lighter background field. I'm guessing your tool was something hard and linear, like a chopstick (only smaller). I imagine you used this tool to make stamp-like impressions, to swipe like a brush, and to let the ink drop from. As far as the composition goes, I like the centrifugal thrust, but I think things get a little too heavy on the left. It might help to put some larger strokes and shapes on the right to balance things out.

  2. I like the dark, radial lines in this, they make it look like an action scene and give it a sense of depth. I wish the lighter tones in the background could expand on that depth in some way. I think the character of the mark is really fun.
