Thursday, February 18, 2021

Xianghong optical blending



  1. Xianghong, my favorite part here is the brown area under the chin and jaw. The color there is so very rich yet it reads as brown. I'm a little confused about the red and blue in the face. Is he wearing some kind of mask? Overall, I think you tried to keep the color areas too different from one another. for example, I would like to see some blues in the background since the face is blue, and also some more greens and blues in the red part of the face. Also, I wonder why you applied the white on top of the blues in the forehead -- this looks off to me. I think you could go over that area with more saturated colors. Also, the heavy black outlines around the face and hair are too emphatic. I think you could have just let there be a natural edge there!

  2. The brown underneath the chin is a great color for a shadow. However, I do think it is a bit too similar to the background. It almost seems that section is transparent. This can solved with just the inclusion of colors seen in the face so it looks cohesive. There's a definite reliance on the black outline, I'm be interested as to how the piece would look without them. - Sidney
