Thursday, February 18, 2021

Teo optical blending



  1. Teo, the pattern here is very interesting and effective. I definitely get a sense of optical blending, and your skin tones are quite convincing as such. While the yellow and blue background squares do create optical blending, I might prefer to see some more subtle pockets of different color in there -- just so it's not the same color scheme for all those squares (which tends to flatten things out make the squares look like tiles). You took a very interesting approach to seeing that the edges stayed soft. I think it's effective here, even if, strictly speaking, it violates the logic of the unit-by-unit approach to the composition (in other words, what happens around your edges divides the smallest triangular units into non-solid areas). Great job, overall -- a very dynamic image.

  2. I really love this. Even though your squares are pretty large in size I do get a sense of optical blending from the drawing. I think a bit more color variation in the face would make it more interesting. Maybe some cooler tones?

  3. I think you really got the optical blending down here. The colors you picked and the way you decided to divide the piece works really well.

  4. I really like the softness of the edges in your piece. The only thing I might change would be to add a little green in the face to contrast the red and to add shadows.

  5. I think this is probably my favorite piece of yours with regards to color. I think the triangular/box pattern is great and I think you did a really good job with the background. I get a real feeling of depth.
