Thursday, February 18, 2021

Byrd optical blending


1 comment:

  1. Byrd, it was very ambitious of you to use such small units. While I appreciate all the color in the face, I'm not sure it averages out to achieve the appearance of a solid skin tone. I think the reason may be the outlines throughout the piece -- the little outlines you can see around each individual little triangle. Or it could be the predominance of black, or the fact that the color is washed out rather than saturated and opaque. With more saturated colors, we might see more of a range of values. You might consider going in and making each of the triangles in the face a solid, opaque color (i.e., with no outline). One thing I do like is the lack of distinct features -- that's really terrific. And the pixellated quality of the edges of the hair. I wish there were more color within each of the big black areas. That would enrich those areas considerably, I think.
