Thursday, February 18, 2021

Grace optical blending



  1. Grace, I like what you did with the face here very much. The color is very rich, and while I think you could have more of it in the face, the way you used what you have is quite effective. I especially like the way you treated the features (the lips! the eyebrows!). And I like the collar of the shirt as well. The only thing I find myself wishing is that you hadn't gone over the whole background in grey. The little pixels of color drawn over it look washed out compared to the face. As it is, I think it would look better if you had a few shapes touching that right edge -- just to balance things out. Maybe you can remove some of the pigment in some of those external squares and go back in with some more saturated colors?

  2. I think you were really successful with the optical blending. Especially in the face. I enjoy how far you took the shadow shapes. I do find myself wishing thought that there was more a variety of colors there instead of mostly flesh tones.

  3. I really enjoy your background. I wish you had continued the fun and playful patterns of the left into the right side.

  4. I really like the vibrant blue hair. I think normally making that big a leap in color is distracting but rather than focusing on it I think it highlights the face better.
