Thursday, February 18, 2021

Tina optical blending



  1. Tina, while I see some optical blending happening in the hair and background, I don't see much in the face. It seems like you were drawing very tentatively with your oil pastels, because the pastel looks very light and not nearly as vibrant as it could be. Also, because of the nature of your mark ( a light hatch-like stroke), it looks like your colors are blending a bit on the paper. If you take a look at some of the examples below, you'll see that the most effective drawings are the ones in which the colors are kept pure and are very distinct and vibrant. I think you can go over this whole drawing with more saturated color -- that's the only way we'll be able to see if your optical blending is working.

  2. I like the faint strokes you used here- very different from everyone else's style. I also like that you can see the grid you laid down.
    I think you could have played around more with the colors. So the brown in the hair would also appear in the background and the face, and vice versa.

  3. From what I've seen from your artwork, You are very light-handed. This results in your pieces looking a bit faded. I would like to see a bit more contrast in the face and mask. There are squares that are a single color that I believe can include at least one other color to achieve optical blending. For some reason it seems the pieces looks like a grid was place on top of it rather than constructed from squares. I think focusing on each square and the shapes of colors within them would a achieve more of an optical blend. - Sidney
