Saturday, February 13, 2021

Clara cutout and monochrome (please comment on both)



  1. For your cutout first: What a complex and compelling image this is! I love what you've done with the grid(s). The sense I get is that we're looking at something happening in a mirror, but I could be wrong. The figure is very ambiguous, but I sense some kind of distress. Adding to that sense of distress is the composition; the negative space up top is slightly off kilter, and the tiles in the foreground suggest a long corridor that reads like a tunnel. The only thing that bothers me here is the linear bit of negative space to the left of the figure. Why not let the figure merge with that positive shape? I think we'd still know it was a figure, but the lack of an edge would make it even more mysterious as to exactly what that figure is doing. Very curious piece -- I can't stop looking at it!

    For the pastel: While I do see a lot of complex color here, I'm not sure what the dominant color is. Green? When I look closely I can see that there's green in the sky. Maybe there could be a bit more -- especially down in the lighter part of the sky. I also think we could see more of it in the buildings. The grassy hills in the lower right are really beautiful -- such rich color, and this color works well with the dark sky in the upper right. Overall, I think the right half of the drawing is stronger. The left looks less rich to me. Finally, I wish there weren't those outlines around the windmill in the front. All the other buildings are so wonderfully soft! Maybe you could go in and at least soften those lines. I'm fine with the harder edge, since this object is closer to our eye in space, but the outlines flatten it out.

  2. Your cut out looks like it took a while to do with all those lines... I would be in pain if I did what you did. It looks really nice (`ω´)

    For your pastel piece, I think your main color is yellow. I like how you blended everything together while maintaining the recognizability of the subjects. But I think the piece is a little plain as all the colors are somewhat the same. To make it more complex, I would say to add complementary colors and different strokes/textures.
