Saturday, February 13, 2021

Kaayla monochrome


1 comment:

  1. Kaayla, while I can see there's plenty of rich color in this piece, it strikes me more as a duochrome than a monochrome -- a green and red piece rather than either one predominating. If it's intended to be a red monochrome, I think you should bring more reds into the grass and bush in the foreground -- same with the shed all the way on the left. One thing I love here is the treatment of the bricks. I can see that you used the square tip of the pastel stick to achieve the overall shape -- a very clever move. I can also see that there's so much rich color going on there, both within the bricks themselves and in the layer underneath. With the red door on the right, I think you should add some green to the shadow areas. It won't read as green; it will just make the red richer.
