Saturday, February 13, 2021

Pan monochrome



  1. Pan, while I can see that there's a lot of color under the leaves (as evidenced in upper right), I think there's too much pure green in the leaves themselves. Since the leaves are so much richer when we can see the hints of red around them, I think you should go back in and blend more red into much of the green. Also, I'm not sure why you've left the border around the edges. To me, this makes the drawing look unfinished. I'd like to see the whole thing covered with color and more work to make the color more complex in the whole thing. The drawing might also benefit from more precise edges on some of the leaves. I imagine you have a lot of beautiful shapes in the photograph; let's see more of that here.

  2. ooOOOo I like the hints of orange/red in some of the leaves- I can tell that was your "underpainting" or sketch color.
    I think you should have either colored in your edges, or cropped the picture so that you leave out the white border.
    The leaves are super vibrant and that's niceee.(☆∀☆)
    I'd like to see more of that orange and red color peak out more in the leaves.

  3. Pan I absolutely love this! You conveyed the colors in the leaves very well - they look very fluffy (in a good way :D). However, I do wish that you brought the color all the way to the edges of the canvas to really bring this piece together. :)
