Thursday, February 4, 2021

Byrd cutout



  1. Byrd, this piece reminds me of your final project from last semester. There's certainly a sense of heavy foreboding, and I think the way you did the building makes it look like a haunted castle. For me, the element of strangeness is that little circular shape along the lower right edge. I love that. The shape suggests an illuminated spotlight with a camera, as if this guy is being watched by someone inside the castle. Nice visual echo, too, between the composition's two circles. If I were to suggest anything to omit it would be the lightning-like lines in the upper right. It seems this piece would benefit from more empty black space. In fact, I think it would be even stronger if the format was a vertical rectangle -- this would give you plenty of space to make that ominous road even longer. The square format tends to make things feel more contained and therefore less dramatic.

  2. THIS IS REALLY NICE! I think you got the right mood with the colors you picked. My only critique is that I think you could have left out the wrinkle in the person's clothes and the extra rock textures on the mountains.

  3. This is amazing! I love the sense of mystery and strangeness of it. I especially enjoy how the moon isn't too smooth around the edge, I think it goes very well with the other elements in your piece.

  4. Byrd, everything about this piece goes well together! The mood is well set by the yellow against black and that is something that was not done by anyone else; great job! The way you cut your paper also tells the mood and story- personally, my cuts were softer. Yours, though, are very sharp and jagged. It gives an eerie and dangerous mood. Great job.
