Thursday, February 4, 2021

Xianghong cutout



  1. Xianghong, this is a fun narrative, and I like the composition overall. The way you've done the figures is especially strong, since I don't know if they're human or alien. I also really like the little plant-like shapes that you did in negative. The one thing that bothers me is that I wish the flying saucer were connected to the roof of the building -- i.e., so that it's all one black shape. The astute viewer might then infer that that shape isn't part of the building but is actually what it is. The more visual intrigue the better. Also, it might have been nice to see the other half of that could in negative (white) as it floats in front of the sun/moon. Little details like that tend to keep the viewer engaged.

  2. I like how iconographic this is, you're hit immediately with a sense of the scene and then have to catch up to your mind in figuring out exactly what's happening. I think the shapes in the water feel out of place, though. The other elements are very simple, I think reducing them to semicircles and triangles like you've done with the people would make it feel more unified.

  3. Xianghong, what caught my eye the most was your use of shape. This piece feels like it belongs to a design major because of the circles and squares used throughout. I think its very interesting and definitely alters the mood compared to what more precise cut outs would have done. It reminds me of a child's dream.
