Thursday, February 4, 2021

Teo cutout

 (Teo: I'm not going to post your title because I want people to try to figure it out! You can post it in the comments here later.)


  1. Teo, when I first looked at this piece (which is to say without reading your title), I saw a more or less abstract composition with some suggestion of perspectival space. I looked at it for quite a few minutes, trying to imagine a narrative, and eventually concluded that it was some kind of architectural environment devoid of figures. Then...I read your title. When I looked again I saw it all so clearly -- what an interesting surprise! Part of what makes the piece so strong is its symmetry -- if it were asymmetrical in some way I bet I'd have seen the figures sooner. Smart choice. In this case I don't think any elements should be omitted. The only thing I would suggest is that you consider a slightly more detailed contour on the central figures -- but the danger there is giving too much away! Finally, a more ambiguous title might allow the viewer more time to make the discovery herself.

  2. I like how the two in the center are defined by the almost symmetrical negative space between them. The shapes on the left and right are nicely mysterious. I feel like the grid on top is a little busy compared to the rest of the piece, and could use to either become more or less so to feel more deliberate or cohesive. The blue works really well with the mood of the piece.

  3. The symmetry is neat. I'm sure that took a while to get perfect. Your pieces are so ambiguous I can't tell whats happening in the figures in the middle. So I think a little more hints could have been left.
