Saturday, February 13, 2021

Bella monochrome



  1. Bella, this is a very striking image. I love what you did with the face and chest; there's so much rich color in there, and the loose strokes are terrific. I can also see that there's a lot of color under that black. I do wonder about it a hat rim? Whatever that is, I'd like to see much more color in that red -- even if you go back over it with solid red strokes in the end. Also, one thing that really bothers me is that hard edge where his hair meets the red on the left. Given how soft everything else is, this looks a bit jarring. As a final thought, you might want to incorporate some more red into that black -- just enough to unify the whole into a truly red monochrome.

  2. yo this like an acrylic painting. very nice.
    And those highlights- beauty (≧▽≦)

    You really got the monochrome down with this piece. I think you can more it more exciting by added other colors into the red, like green or blue.

  3. I agree with Taney about how striking the drawing is. The lighting and color choice are really dramatic and just beautifully drawn. It is also really clear what the main hue is. If I could say one criticism it's that the circle above their head could use more values.

  4. I really like the composition of the piece and the lighting. I read it right to left and I like how it goes dark to light and then recedes back into dark.
