Thursday, February 18, 2021

Bella optical blending



  1. Bella, this is a great example of optical blending. I can see it especially in the face and the brown on the lower right. That said, I think you could more of a range of colors within each color area. For example, within the beard and hair, perhaps we can see some ping here and there, and some green now and then, and also so orange. As long as the color averages out to be white, that area will still read as while. Same with the blue areas. Really great treatment of the features and edges around shapes (both of which we talked about a lot during the critique).

  2. Your usage of black or that very dark grey is very effective in the face. It dramatizes the face without overpowering it. I think your approach to the facial features is spot on to optical blending. However, I wish more attention was brought to the lower half of the figure. The face has such a recognized form but the body and beard get a little flat, this can be solved with differing values done with more of a variety of colors. - Sidney

  3. wow bestie this is amazing. I especially love what you did with the background, the dark blue and purple really makes the figure pop. well done

  4. I really like the shapes you used here. It reminds of me fried eggs

  5. I really like the color palette in this. I think that's where the optical blending is great because it creates these complex mico doses of color, but on the whole it causes areas to feel like one chunk of color still. I also really like the feeling of depth in the background.
