Saturday, February 13, 2021

Michelle monochrome



  1. Michelle, the color here is wonderfully complex -- especially on the tree and figure. I can see that you layered the colors densely and then applied strokes of pure color in the final layer. The effect is quite strong. That said, I think the nature of your strokes distracts the eye a bit -- especially toward the top of the tree. It seems that you used a different kind of mark for the sky -- linear patches rather than thin lines. I think this kind of mark works better in this drawing. I wonder if the color would be just as rich if you went in and changed some of the linear strokes into more patchy ones. Not having the original photo to look at, I'm not sure how you altered the original, but the mood here is very dramatic and mysterious, which I really like.

  2. This is really cool Michelle. You got the chalk pastel to look like oil pastel :D
    I think the colors go well together with the subject. But to make it even more complex, you can add some reds and orange since your piece is mostly blue and green.
