Thursday, February 25, 2021

Tina movement


Teo movement


Ian movement


Grace movement


Xianghong movement


Bella movement


Madi movement


Kaayla movement


Michelle movement


Pan movement


Azrael movment


Sidney movement


Thursday, February 18, 2021

Tina optical blending


Grace optical blending


Xianghong optical blending


Celia optical blending


Teo optical blending


Ian optical blending


Bella optical blending


Byrd optical blending


Azrael optical blending


Michelle optical blending


Pan optical


Madi optical blending


Sidney optical blending


Clara optical blending


Kaayla optical blending


Thursday, February 4, 2021

Tina cutout


Celia cutout


Teo cutout

 (Teo: I'm not going to post your title because I want people to try to figure it out! You can post it in the comments here later.)

Byrd cutout


Ian cutout


Grace cutout


Xianghong cutout


Sidney cutout


Kaayla cutout


Bella cutout


Michelle cutout


Madi cutout


Pan cutout


Azrael cutout