Thursday, January 21, 2021

Xianghong Cubism 1



  1. Xianghong, I like the way you've rendered the objects very much, and you have a good range of values here (although I wouldn't mind seeing more of the dark shapes). The space shapes, however, look separate from the objects. The objects themselves are made up of mostly triangles, whereas the space shapes are predominantly rectangular. I think you can do more to integrate the objects into the space. Breaking those rectangles up into triangular shapes would help. You might also consider creating more of a range in scale for the shapes. All your shapes are roughly the same scale. Maybe create some that are very small to contrast with the rest?

  2. I really love your arrangement of shapes, I think you did a good job at breaking the objects apart. Perhaps you could try and extend the lines in your objects into the background to better incorporate the two?

  3. I really like the shading you did, and how the space around is midtoneish, so it looks pretty uniform. I do agree that it could be changed to reflect the objects more.

  4. Your piece feels quite complex and finished to me. The way you shaded the whole paper without leaving any white makes your piece stand out and it works really well.
    To integrate your pieces with the background, you could outline some lines in the background, like you did in the foreground.

  5. I think you did great, the shading of each block is nice and you divided the objects and the background really well. I like how the objects give the same feeling as the background, you can maybe try to blend it more into it by extending the lines out of the object. Also, the objects look a bit far apart, next time you can maybe try to put them closer and make your drawing a bit more complex in terms of overlapping. Overall, I think this looks very cool.

  6. The way you did the cross hatching looks amazing, it gives it such an interesting texture that is super consistent throughout the drawings. I think that'll make it easier for you to do the final project

  7. I like how clean and sharp this drawing is. The dark and light areas are distinguishable. Maybe breaking up some big shape into smaller pieces will help more.
