Thursday, January 28, 2021

Michelle Cubism 2



  1. Michelle, the first thing that strikes me here is that fantastic black "border" -- really great! And you did a good job distributing your shapes to form the central cluster of objects. That said, I think the clocks would be stronger if they weren't so obviously identifiable. Maybe you could go over each with a slice of something else? The horse statue might also benefit from being partially obscured in places -- that too seems to appear whole everywhere. Fracturing the objects will give us more of a sense of the multiple views. Finally, since the border shape is so dark, I'd love to see some small darker shapes in the center here and there -- just so the contrast between inner and outer wouldn't be so dramatic.

  2. This isn't much of a critique, but more of a comment. Your drawing gives off a a lot of amusement park vibes. Something about the giant clock and horse figure resembles a Ferris wheel and carousel.

    It feels like you left your objects whole. I think you can go one step further into separating the objects into smaller shapes just so they're not so recognizable.

  3. I agree with Sidney, this peice looks like a map of an amusement park. I am not sure if it is intentional for you to add the black boarder for the map effect, but I think creating more small white shape on top of the black can keep the same vibe, and make the composition more interesting.
