Thursday, January 21, 2021

Byrd Cubism 1



  1. I think these are too realistic. I would try breaking each bottle down into more simple shapes and extending them outwards! The composition is pretty empty and central so the extra lines could help break it up and make it interesting.

  2. These are really good! but I do agree that they are a bit too realistic. Making the objects a bit more angular as well as possibly using cubist wedges for the labels would help.

  3. I agree with Bella and Pan, it shows great drawing skill, but maybe try to make it cubist would more accord with our this week's topic. Anyway, I like this piece very much, I believe it demonstrates the simplicity and accuracy of cartoon.

  4. Byrd, I agree with what everyone is saying about their being too realistic. Rather than doing them again, I think you can go in and convert these shapes into faceted objects. You may lose some of the detail, but I think that's a good thing. Also, you havent' done anything to address the space around the bottles. I hope you'll do this before you get started on the collage. One final thought is: perhaps do another drawing of the bottles from the bottom looking up by placing them on a table and sitting on the floor. That might be an interesting view. The more you have to work with the better.

  5. I think the upper right one and the bottom one look very alike in composition, maybe drawing another one from a different angle will make this week's homework easier to work with.

  6. I agree with everyone else's comments and I don't think it's necessary to repeat it. However, the objects seem to be floating in space. Developing the surroundings and background would make this drawing seem more finished. - Sidney
