Thursday, January 21, 2021

Ian Cubism 1



  1. Ian, I really appreciate the degree of simplification here and the deviation from naturalism in some of the shapes. I do think the individual objects could be broken down into geometric facets, though, with a better range of values within each object. I'm not sure crayon will get dark enough, but you should try to get some really dark darks. What I like best here is the fact that you go very different views of your desktop arrangement (I'm not sure how you did the one from above, but that's really great). In addition to some more facets within the objects, I'd like to see you go in and break up the space around them. You can do this by extending some of their edges into the space as lines. With enough intersecting lines you'll have geometric shapes, some of which you can then go in and model (give volume to).

  2. I like that you used blue for your pieces. The way you drew your objects in a cartoon-y way makes the piece feel quite alive and interesting.
    I feel that you focused more on line, rather than geometric shapes, so I think creating more shapes would help the piece, along with dividing up the background into different shaded shapes. Next time I think you should also cut the extra paper of the drawing pad holes.
