Thursday, January 28, 2021

Clara Cubism 2



  1. I love how soft this still is. It draws alto toward Picasso and how soft his shapes were instead of the cross hatching i used. I do think it might benefit from some harsher dark's in the bottom center, or the dark's in the upper left to be softer.

  2. Clara, there's something so compelling about the simplicity of this piece (relative to some of the others, which are typically very "busy"). It has a strangeness and sense of mystery that I really like. In terms of multiple views on a single scene goes, I think it would be better if you included some sliced (i.e., fragmented) objects in the composition -- as far as I can tell, all your objects seem to be whole. I can see that the compositional logic was one of diagonal slices -- this can be further underscored by further dividing the large space shape in the upper center. And I agree with Pan about the darks -- perhaps bring some more of those into the composition so that the eye doesn't go immediately to the dark shape in the upper left.

  3. The way you arranged your composition made this piece stands out from the group. It leads my eyes from the top left corner to the bottom right, which is exciting. I can't tell what yout objects are, but your piece looks finished to me.
