Thursday, January 28, 2021

Pan Cubism 2



  1. Pan, your drawing has an explosive dynamism to it that I really like. I think the placement of all the shapes on the right has a nice logic going on (centrifugal, you might call it). While I don't mind the face being in the center of the drawing, I'd love to see that face recur elsewhere -- a fragment of it here, a fragment of it there -- just like you did with other parts of the figure. One thing that bothers me is the upper left corner. Those shapes feel a bit arbitrary. Also, since most of the dark shapes happen in the left side of the composition, I think it would be better to have some distributed across the right as well. Finally, I think the whole piece would benefit from more overlapping pieces of paper; all your shapes seem to hover side by side on the paper. Layering can add more complexity to the sense of space.

  2. I remembered your obejct from last week, and I love how you arrange the cut outs. It looks like the figure is using magic. Maybe creating a gradient with the white, grey, and black cut outs can make this piece more coherent.
