Thursday, January 28, 2021

Kaayla Cubism 2



  1. Kaayla, this is quite a striking composition. First, I like what you did to fracture your objects and distribute the pieces around the central cluster in the middle. I can tell that we're looking at the same thing seen multiply. The fact that your original drawings contained some very interesting shapes really pays off here, since those become recurring motifs. And I can tell that you paid good attention to the edges and corners; I particularly like what you did in the lower half. The only thing that puzzles me is the muted object in the upper right inside that white negative space shape. It seems different in value from the rest of the pieces. Also, compositionally, it might be stronger to have that object (after cutting it down further) distributed all over the white shape that contains it. There's something awkward about it right now, a fully circular shape sort of hovering there.

  2. I love the strong contrast. I keep looking at the stair case shape in the bottom right corner, it could be weighted toward that corner but you made it looks balanced.
