Thursday, January 28, 2021

Madi Cubism 2



  1. I love the different colors of the paper you used, as well as how you utilized the planes from your original pieces. Its a really dark piece as well which makes it seem spooky.

  2. Madi, I think you did a great job with the central cluster: I can see pieces of your objects here and there, yet nothing is obvious. And the darks and lights work well in that whole area -- you did a good job of distributing them in a way that makes sense. But while I like the shapes on the outermost edges, it bothers me that all that paper is left blank. This may be because it's a different color than the prints (it's not really white -- more like newsprint beige), so I would suggest first darkening it with compressed charcoal or pastel. Then, depending on how that works, you may want to break that border shape up into smaller geometric shapes to further activate the edges and corners. If all that fails, I'd take your collage shapes all the way to the edges!

  3. I really like the shapes you created from the collaging. It engages my eye to move around to figure out what the things under the books are. I think a way to improve it would be to expand what you've already got into the white negative space.

  4. It looks like a stack of book, but the more I look at it, the more I distinguish your cut outs. I think it looks good to me without a background, but darken the central shadow will definitely makes your focus point more obvious.
