Thursday, January 21, 2021

Tina Cubism 1



  1. I like the texture to this piece. Its very fuzzy, however the blocks with just lines through them are sort of confusing. Maybe try making them fuzzy like the others? The first one is my favorite because it looks like when you unfocuse your eyes.

  2. The variety of shapes and shading is really interesting. Possibly making your cross hatching a bit more uniform and making some of the shapes not all one value would be beneficial. I'm not entirely sure what your objects where but you have a really cool composition.

  3. I like the strong contrast and the arrangement of the regular geometric figures in your drawing, it looks very dynamic and compelling. Even though I can't tell what the objects are, it still capture my most attention.

  4. Tina, while I can't tell exactly what your object is, in all but the one on the lower right I can tell it's a 3-dimensional form seen from different angles. I would suggest reworking the last one so that it reads more clearly. You may also want to do some additional drawings that show enlarged aspects of your object from various angles. The challenge for you will be to cut your drawings up in such a way as to preserve just enough of the recognizable elements. Feel free to draw back over your collage if necessary.

  5. I absolutely love the way you shaded these. The first one is especially eye catching because it's the fuzziest out of all of them. I'm not sure if this is what you are going for but I almost get a sense of movement from these drawings, which is very interesting. I'm guessing you did the bottom right one last because the cross hatching feels a little rushed. Maybe going back and redoing some of the shapes will help

  6. The shapes and the texture of the shades have very high quality. I especially like the upper right one; there is a strong development of values. I can't tell what the objects are, maybe revisit and make some important outlines more darker will help.

  7. I enjoy the way you shaded the sphere in the left pictures. The way you broke it up into planes really makes sense. Maybe if you broke the other subjects into smaller planes it could help differentiate them.

  8. Thanks for all the comments and advises. My drawing consists of an orange on top of a mini unicorn floatie, with two different sized bottles and a small container :D

  9. The first three drawings I feel are the strongest. I can't seem to make out all the objects but there is a definite central point which is the orange. The orange is distorted in a way that I can make out its shape and its values. I do feel that lines coming across the drawing are very grid like, I would recommend using lines already present in the objects and extending them out. The last drawing I believe needs more variation in values and lines to make out the shapes - Sidney
