Thursday, March 25, 2021

Xianghong midterm


1 comment:

  1. Xianghong, I liked the your idea for this piece very much, and I think overall it's a strong drawing. While you certainly did much to evoke a sense of melancholy, I don't get the sense of confusion that you were after. The reason is that the text is so orderly and neat and aesthetically pleasing to look at. What you have suggests a mood of quiet contemplation; if it was anxiety and confusion you wanted to convey I think there should have been much more in the way of text, and the text should have been more densely layered and even chaotic. And while I like the lateral separation into light and dark, the asymmetry of the two mountains bothers me a bit. And to me, the colors you chose don't necessarily evoke East and West. It would have been nice to see that idea more fully realized. I'm also not so sure the word "same" evokes quite what you want it to. Or perhaps I misunderstood your reason for choosing it. Either way, I think you should consider trying another version that does more to evoke confusion. That could make more of an impact, both visually and emotionally.
