Thursday, March 25, 2021

Celia midterm


1 comment:

  1. Celia, I think this came out really nicely. I love the colors, and the idea and the composition are quite powerful. I do agree with the comments about the water bottle, though; my preference would be to have it removed altogether. Its presence seems to take away from the seriousness of the drawing. One other thing: I wonder if the whites of the eyes could be even whiter. This would make them come forward more just as the characters above do. It would also intensify the mood of the piece. As far as facial expressions go, for me the most successful is the one on the far left. This figure looks the most vacant and machine-like. The slight smiles on some of the others bother me a bit. I think your meaning will be made more powerful if all the faces were stronger emotionally. Overall, great job from start to finish.
