Thursday, March 25, 2021

Grace midterm


1 comment:

  1. Grace, I think this came out very well. You had to make a lot of decisions with this piece, and in the end I think the ones you made were for the most part fantastic. The rendering is beautiful. I particularly like how you treated the woman's skin (drawing older people is always a challenge). One thing that bothers me is the cover of the book. The stark white seems out of place (unfinished, even), and the dark black text seems to call too much attention to itself. I think a subtler approach there would have been more effective. One could discover the word gradually rather than having it be the first thing we notice. Also, on a small note: I wonder if there's a way to soften the edge where her shirt leaves off and the chest and shoulders begin; there seems to be something off about that (not enough subtle shadows?). Overall, it's a very poetic piece. I don't think you need to add anything to the background -- in this case I think the emptiness says a lot.
