Thursday, March 25, 2021

Michelle midterm



  1. The energy on this piece is really strong. I can somewhat point out the meaning behind this is about the effects of social media. The girl is smiling, but you composed it in a way that makes her seem dreadful and drowning with online comments. I think that the overlapping of the words, phone screen, and the mirror fits really well together.

  2. Michelle, you had a very strong idea here, and I like the choices you made with the distortion of the text. While I think your idea comes across quite clearly (though not in a cliched, obvious way), I agree with some of your classmates that the piece overall lacks the intensity of emotion we'd want to see. A lot of you had this same problem, so I'll say it again here: keep in mind that when working with concepts in art, conveying your concept isn't the *only* thing that matters. What matters even more, I'd argue, is the emotion your work evokes. What you really want is for the viewer to look at your piece and immediately feel the kind of distress that so much of online life causes these days. If you can do that AND make something that's visually rich, it will be a very strong piece indeed. So I think you know what to do here: add more of the glitch elements and more linear streaks. The beauty of the face will only be more meaningful the more chaotic and distressed you make the rest of the image.
