Thursday, March 25, 2021

Clara midterm


1 comment:

  1. Clara, I love the way the collage elements came out here. The vibrant colors and playful shapes lend a festive mood to the drawing. And I like the placemats; the texture offers a nice contrast to the flatness of some of the other collage elements, and the two work well rhythmically (compositionally). As I said in class, I find the white area a bit jarring. I can understand wanting to leave it a solid color, but white just seems off to me, as it makes the piece feel unfinished to me. I wonder if some other solid color (or two?) would serve better. As far as the text goes, I do like it, but the uniformity seems to give the drawing a rigidity I don't think you intend. If the text represents informal speech, I think some variation is in order to evoke different speakers, different voices, different sounds, etc. And maybe some of it could overlap? That to me would evoke people speaking at once, which occasionally happens at a dinner table. Overall, I really like the way this came out. If you make the changes I suggest I'd love to see it again (this is optional, grade-wise, but if you do it I'd like to see it).
