Thursday, March 25, 2021

Sidney midterm


1 comment:

  1. Sidney, overall, I think this came out very nicely. You got a lot of great feedback today, so I'll just add a few thoughts. The reason I pushed Byrd's point about the lack of strong emotion was that I think the lightness of the medium (relatively low contrast, light, translucent colors) seems incongruous with the feeling tone of the narrative. Since the narrative is about conflict (and perhaps deep inner turmoil), darker, bolder colors would seem more appropriate. The bold black hair and green tree trunk seem right to me; I wonder if you would consider intensifying the rest. Other than that, I do think the green should be filled in between the fingers, and I agree with the suggestion to add some more body fragments. I think it's worth further working this piece a bit -- the concept is quite strong, as is the composition. And great job with the text!
