Thursday, March 25, 2021

Byrd midterm


1 comment:

  1. Byrd, I liked the concept as soon as you told me about it, and your execution of it is impressive. I wasn't expecting it to get so dense, but I like it like this. The illegibility of the text draws the viewer in to wonder about the its meaning, and the density gives the piece a mood of too-muchness. I agree with some of the others who suggested there be more value contrast, but the main thing I wonder about is whether you might want to have certain carefully selected words stand out and be legible. Of course, you'd have to chose the words carefully -- you don't want your concept to be obvious. But I wonder if a few words might make the piece more multi-dimensional to the innocent viewer unaware of your concept. It could even be a single word. Something to consider. Overall, really nice job.
