Thursday, March 25, 2021

Ian midterm (link forthcoming)



  1. Ian, I liked your video very much. As I said in class, if you hadn't told me that the background was missing, I wouldn't have felt any kind of absence. I really like the green background; the ambiguous context makes the figure all the more powerful to me. I do agree with the comments about the end being stronger than the beginning. The mask came as a real surprise to me, and what you did with it was disturbing in a good way -- it seemed a very powerful way of evoking a psychotic break. I wish we could have seen more of the mask on fire. Given the strength of the piece overall, and given the feedback about the beginning, I wonder if you could go in and make the beginning more complex conceptually. Maybe a cut to another image entirely? Something nonsensical, even -- like where a mind goes when it's racing out of control. It seems to me that the stranger you can make this thing the better. I hope you'll further work it so you can use it as a portfolio piece.

    1. Thank you so much. Having a background in VFX and this being my first year taking traditional art classes has been very intimidating. I feel like this was the tipping point in the semester that my work started to improve a lot moving forward and I think most of it had to do with confidence and just enjoying the process of making things.
